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I have brought Nigeria back to his feet - Buhari

On June 12 President Buhari said his administration has brought Nigeria back to its feet (where she belong) through its change agenda.

Buhari who resume office in 2015 after the 16-year rule of the PDP, stated this in a speech at the inaugural celebration of June 12 as the new Democracy Day at the Eagle Square, Abuja.

He commented;

"In my first term, we put Nigeria back on its feet. We are working again despite a difficult environment in oil on which we depend too much for our exports. We encountered huge resistance from vested interests who do not want Change, But Change has come, we now must move to the Next Level. By the Grace of God, I intend to keep the oath I have made today and to serve as President for all Nigerians."

Mr President also took his time to thank Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for their independence and for ensuring that the last general election was free, peaceful and fair.

“Throughout the last four years, I respected the independence of INEC. I ensured that INEC got all the resources  needed for independent and impartial management of elections in the country. All interested parties are agreed that the recent elections, which except for pockets of unrest, were free, fair and peaceful. I thank all the people who worked for our party, who campaigned and who voted for us. I thank my fellow Nigerians, who, since 2003 have consistently voted for me. Victory is your greatest reward; peace, unity and greater prosperity will be our collective legacy."-Buhari added

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