, pub-6399612600743497, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grief holds Madrid as Zidane passes away - SplintBlog

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Grief holds Madrid as Zidane passes away

It's a sad day at Satiago Bernabu following the exit of Farid Zidane, the brother of the club’s(R. Madrid) manager Zinedine Zidane.

Farid was Zinedine’s elder  brother and both grew up in France alongside their parents, Smaïl and Malika. The family later move to Paris from the village of Aguemoune in the Berber-speaking region of Kabylie in northern Algeria in 1953 before the start of the Algerian War.

Following the death of Farid Zideane, all members of Madrid first-team squad held a minute’s of silence ahead of training in Montreal.

The La Liga giants Real Madrifld released an official statement yesterday that Zinedine Zidane, left the pre-season training camp in Montreal for some personal reasons.

The Real Madrid legend and manager(Zinedine Zidane)  is yet to release a personal statement as he takes time off to mourn his loss.

Meanwhile, sessions will be led by assistant coach David Bettoni before Zidane will return.

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