, pub-6399612600743497, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Trump prepared for Supreme Court battle over financial records - SplintBlog

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Trump prepared for Supreme Court battle over financial records

The United State Supreme Court may have a conservative majority that includes two justices appointed by President Trump, however his efforts to shield his tax returns and other financial records from scrutiny still face an uncertain future.

The court could decide this week on whether to hear appeals from Mr President, in three cases he has lost in lower courts. While the court has a history of allowing the president to make his case, it has however deferred to Congress’ right to investigate a broad range of issues. Two of the cases regard such congressional scrutiny.

Donald Trump must win twice: He must first persuade the court to hear his appeals and must win on the merits. Some documents would be handed over if the court decides not to hear one or all of Donald Trump’s appeals. 

The court, which has a 5-4 conservative majority including President Trump appointees Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, might act on Friday when the justices meet to discuss privately what action to take on pending appeals.

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