, pub-6399612600743497, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Princess Anne Mock Trump With World Leaders - SplintBlog

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Princess Anne Mock Trump With World Leaders

Here is the princess mocking Trump and sassing the Queen

Yesterday, world leaders gathered at Buckingham Palace to run a dress rehearsal for a pivotal scene in The Crown season 8. President and Mrs. Trump joined Queen Elizabeth, Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Emmanuel Macron, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, among other leaders for a reception to commemorate NATO's 70th anniversary. And just as always, a new fave emerged from the most unexpected of places.

According to report, cameras captured Trudeau, Macron, and someone named Boris Johnson seemingly mocking president Trump for delaying an event for 40 minutes because he was busy holding a press conference. Oh, Justin, don't you know that if Trump's not in front of a camera, he ceases to exist? It's called Reverse Vampire Syndrome and it's very serious.

But wait a minute, who is that pompadoured figure standing next to Trudeau? Quoting the Meatloaf song "Paradise by the Dashboard Light": "stop right there! I gotta know right now!" Oh it's Princess Anne, but why is she just nodding and laughing along with a bunch of heads of state lightly reading the American president for filth.
Hey, quick question: could you get over here and shake the clammy hand of the American president? Queen Elizabeth to Princess Anne.
Replying to the queen Anne said; Hmm. Rather not. Thanks though!

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