, pub-6399612600743497, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Madrid players unhappy over Real Madrid Hazard deal - See why - SplintBlog

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Madrid players unhappy over Real Madrid Hazard deal - See why

The Belgium and Chelsea player Eden Hazard has long been linked with the Spanish giant Real Madrid and a recent report shows Hazard is sealing La Liga transfer.

With the report coming in, Real Madrid players and fans are certainly not going to be happy as it seems Chelsea play maker Hazard will be Real Madrid highest paid player once his move to Satiago Bernabu is sealed.

Speaking about Hazard's move to Madrid, Don Balon claim Hazard is set to earn a huge money to take him above the rest of the Madrid squad – something they’re understandably not too happy about.

See Also:  Hazard Takes Major Step To Seal R. Madrid Deal

While the 28 years player is understandably a world class player, it is far from ideal for a new player to suddenly come in as the squad’s highest paid player.

With team spirit already down, we hope this doesn't unsettle the club.

Hazard may prove to be just what Madrid needs to bounce back but if Don Balon' report is true, it could result to issues off the pitch for Los Blancos men.

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