, pub-6399612600743497, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 President Trump Teases "Secrete" Agreement with Mexico - SplintBlog

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President Trump Teases "Secrete" Agreement with Mexico

The president of the United State Donald Trump on Tuesday brandished a document containing details of a regional asylum project agreed with Mexico to eliminate threatened tariffs, claiming that the plan was “secret” even though Mexican officials had made public much of it.

Donald Trump who has made illegal immigration a priority issue and has blaming Mexico for the problem since 2016, did not show the text of any document or give did he give any details. However, a Reuters photograph of the sheet of paper allowed reporters to read some part of it.

Mexico signed an agreement last week to control the flow of people from Central America, including deploying 6,000 members of a new national guard along its border with Guatemala.

READ ALSO: Trump Place Tariffs On Mexico Until Immigration Problem Is Remedied 

The document shows that the agreement reached last week includes a regional asylum plan and that Mexico has agreed to examine her laws and potentially change them for easy implementation of the deal.

The foreign minister of Mexico 'Marcelo Ebrard' said Mexico has agreed to a 45-day timeline to show increased enforcement efforts were effective in minimizing the peoples flows. If failed, Mexico has agreed to consider a longstanding US demand that the Central American asylum seekers crossing through Mexico apply for refuge there, not the United States, making Mexico a “safe third country”, a demand that Mexico has long dejected.

Ebrard said in a statement "Safe third country could be applied if we fail, and we accept what they say". And if it happened, noting that Mexican legislators would then give consideration to accommodating a change in migration law.

Ebrard also said the United State has agreed that other Latin American countries be given opportunity to share the burden.

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